Being Me


I have the gift to crop myself in all pictures that have happy endings.

I have met amazing people throughout my life and I can’t look past the influence and the smiles they bring into my life daily in the midst of working towards my achievements, of which is just to change the world.

This quest has taken so much from me, but it has been most fulfilling.

I am really blessed and cannot deny it, I find solace in my own space, or is it mostly my time to reflect on myself and my life; figuring out if a smile will last forever or when these perfect moments will last forever, whether its fun with friends, phone calls with my friends,honeymoon phase with a new partner.

Such moments epitomize the cliched phrase ” life is good”.

I sit all by myself asking, myself is it really?

I have had to say goodbye to so many friends and let go of so many potential partners all in the name of understanding why they have to leave or why we can’t be…

There are no answers to why good things don’t last forever.

I cant blame life for everything right? How would love be interesting if it was monotonous?

If everyday was a good day and things didn’t ever go wrong?

Where would growth come from? Afterall they do say growth is the offspring of changes.

Ok life…I understand!!

I grant God all the gratitude for all of my blessings, I have realised at a young age to allow my work its fighting chance, to allow my career to be the one that claims my energy, my talents and my force to work hard!!

I have met it half way and it closed the equation by blessing me with great accolades.

I am a brand now…

Well…I have passed!! I am best friends of many, have a great relationship with mother… My brothers love my crazy dramatic attitude, even if its embraced in silence.

I can afford many other material things people sell their souls for.Reading this, you’re probably thinking..Damn this guy has it all going for him…That’s the source of my happiness right there.

My smile is momentary!
That smile is a gratitude smile!!
I am an amazing person!! I have the soul of a tiger that cares for its calves.

I have the spirit of a bestfriend that hugs like he has your back.

I am honest and loyal! I can go on with all my qualities!!

Yes I am insecure, who isn’t? But not about myself I am insecure about love.

Truth is I feel so poor because even the poorest of the poor have what I long for most!!

Love,not the coco love from friends and family!

Love from this one particular person who would open the door at night to just to check if I am okay?

The one person who would patiently listen to me talking about myself because I love myself that much and he loves me for loving me first.

The one who loves me so much that I too see God in him and understands why I want to change the world.

I want that man, and nope I don’t have him and I think it’s about time I give love a fighting chance!

Is it wrong for me to want it all? The glitz, glam and Love…this is my stranger…the friend that never visits or that probably does… But then when I have gathered that good things don’t last forever…when I have gathered that you get only so much based on how much you are willing to give… so much philosophy!!

I, at times get annoyed at what I want because it seems to be miles away, but I am reminded that being me has made me realise that I can get what ever I want.

2 thoughts on “Being Me

  1. Amazing i must say….Very inspiring and i like how it starts off with all the motivations but the ending is what made me read it 3 times and not becos i failed to comprehend the first two times but because it captures and moves one’s mind particularly that vulnerability that u show when it comes to love…its openess allows one to question if u r truly happy…i mean y cant one have it all….#LovingIt

    Urz: J.K Mess


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